In a manner of speaking, anyway. I’m actually moving the website. I’ve just purchased a brand new home for Cast On that’s bigger and better, and even a little cheaper than the current digs. All of this in preparation for the new season Cast On, beginning next month. This is just a heads up to…
All posts in: Blog
Our ability to accessorize…
Apparently this is what separates us from the lower life forms. If true it begs the question: Is the life form responsible for these “accessories” an inhabitant of our planet? Sadly, no answers are forthcoming from CoOperative Designs where these beauties feature prominently, albeit namelessly, in their Spring/Summer 2010 Collection. As to their lack of…
This is the posture that Ruby used to adopt, sat with her nose in the air, right beneath Tonia’s feet, whenever vegetables were being chopped in the kitchen. It was an attitude of expectation, that we came to call, “Assuming the Position.” She only ever did this at Tonia’s feet, because Ruby knew Tonia was…
Stupidity is a ball of yarn in the mouth of a wee dog.
One thing that never ceases to amaze me about my knitting is that, as experienced a knitter as I consider myself to be, I am, even after all these years, still capable of churning out the occasional turkey. This morning, as I tried for the third time to fold neatly and put away my recently…
While Truman sleeps
Yes, his name is Truman and he is, right at this very moment, blissfully napping in his box. So I thought I’d take advantage of what I laughingly refer to these days as “my free time” and pound out a blog post to say thanks for helping us name the dog. Also, I know if…