When I was nine and Pam was six I saved her life on the playground. The object of chase by a bullying classmate, Pam ran to me for safety, certain that I would protect her because that’s what big sisters do. Being three years older and several inches taller than Pam’s tormentor made my job…
All posts in: Blog
I’m not here.
I’ve vowed to stay off the computer today, so ignore me, okay? If nobody notices that you’re doing something which you’ve sworn you wouldn’t, it’s like it didn’t happen. I’m off the computer because I’m spending today very much like one of Pavlov’s dogs. Which is to say, salivating when a little bell rings. I’m…
Knitting and beer
Judging from the amount of nervous energy I am storing in every cell of my body, by Saturday afternoon I shall surely be in dire need of both. The giant needles arrived last Friday, and I spent the weekend getting acquainted with them. They are very large and somewhat cumbersome to use, but are not…
Dither dither dither BANG!
With less than two weeks to go, yesterday I began making preparations for my plinth sitting. The process was ridiculously simple, and utterly erased all the stress I had been carrying about the event. Which was good, because I had been worrying, and procrastinating, and then worrying about the procrastinating for weeks. Turns out there…
The worth of a picture
I wonder how many people clicked to look at this sweater after the Harlot linked to it on Twitter? A lot, I’m betting. I did too, and found this other pattern for free, on the Berroco site. A few years ago a friend sent me a photo of a Donna Karan sweater, clipped from a…