All posts in: Blog

09 Apr 2010

Orange things

The handspun yarn currently on my needles began life as a Shetland fleece Tonia gave me for my birthday, about 8 years ago. Do you remember this yarn? I talked it about in a podcast a couple of years ago. This is the yarn that I tried to dye red using avocado peels, pits, and…

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08 Apr 2010


I write with a somewhat heavy heart this morning, having watched over the last 48 hours the Parliamentary #debacle that was the #debill. (Please forgive the twitter speak. I’ve been using hashtags for a couple of days now, and it’s proving hard to stop.) In the ten years I’ve lived in Britain, aside from the…

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05 Apr 2010


This week’s video brought to you by Tonia, who brought it to me. Be sure to check out the “making of” video, up in the corner. httpv:// I picked up my knitting again two weeks ago. Just to see how it felt. I had to hunt for a project, as I’d stashed most everything I…

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29 Mar 2010


Can I make a confession? I love Glee so much it’s embarrassing. Yes, it’s a cliché of every television show and movie set in an American high school over the past 20 years, or possibly ever. It’s also witty, and smart, and knowing and the jokes are incredibly funny. What I can say. I’m a…

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25 Mar 2010

The click

It’s one of the most satisfying moments in the process of learning something new; that moment when something clicks in your brain, and things that were confusing and hard suddenly become simple and easy. Like art, it’s difficult to define, but I know it when it happens. You probably do too. I’m having a bit…

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