Still working hard on the proposal, but coming up for air this morning to wave, answer a few quick questions, upload a few photos, and pass along a sweet little video. I’m working my way through the ’06 podcasts. Just heard about the Knitting Olympics. Are there plans to do this again this year? If…
All posts in: Blog
Saturday Sky on Monday
Saturday afternoon I realized the manic pace I set last week, while exhilarating, is probably not sustainable. This was but one epiphany in a string of ah-ha moments last week. Early in the week we had Houses Get Dirty (that’s what happens when you live in them, but they don’t stay that way forever, because…
You know you’re getting old when…
Today I increased the font size on my browser. I turned off “let websites dictate the font style”, and set the default to 12 points. I just can’t deal with tiny type this week. Eight days into the proposal, seriously feeling eyestrain and shoulder tension, I am just bloody computered out. Yesterday I fiddled with…
It’s just a jump to the left.
This morning on Broadcasting House I listened to an interesting report on British euphemisms. They do have an history, apparently. Who knew? They began, near as anyone can figure, in Fleet Street in the 1970’s, as a way of tastefully describing death in obituaries. People were said to have died “suddenly” when they’d had a…
To begin at the beginning:
This is my first year participating in the Blogger’s Silent Poetry Reading, and I am torn, torn I tell you, between two Dylan Thomas poems. Dylan Thomas is, arguably, Wales’ best loved poet, and certainly its best known. He lived for some years in Laugharne, a scant ten miles away from where I live now.…