You know how it is when the odometer on your car is about to hit some really cool number, like 222,222? And you start watching it tick over at around 222,219, because you don’t want to miss it. And then you stop at Starbucks, and head for the library, and some jerk cuts you off…
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A foul wind bloweth
One singularly unpleasant aspect of life in the country is dealing with the occasional and inconvenient deaths of random forest creatures. Usually small, and largely cat related, over the years we’ve had to lift the odd spade to remove shrew and bird corpses and – just once – a rat that had somehow become trapped…
The instructions were less than straightforward
I’ve been sick for a month. First a cold. Then “allergies”. Finally, last week, a throat infection arrived that.. well, grabbed me by the throat. And kicked me around the house for good measure. I haven’t been this ill in ten years. Maybe fifteen. I was truly, horribly, pathetically ill, and not in my usual…
Sometimes a cold is a cold, and other times it is man flu. I had a choice when planning my recent trip to the US, to visit family before the cruise, or to cruise first, and then visit family. I chose the former, so that I could be home, and well rested enough to be…
Up when I should be down
There are many reasons why this is true, jet lag and snot being the the two that come most readily to mind. I caught the cold that everyone else caught at the tail end of the cruise, and arrived home having swallowed my own weight in phlegm during the flight. Eww. On the upside, I…