Hi Knitsibs, I’m gathering data for a project, and would like your help. Can you tell me, please, what knitting thing would you like to learn? Please share your answers via this poll or, if your next big learning thing isn’t on the list, feel free to leave your answer here. Many thanks!
All posts in: Blog
To save buying new, mend and make do.
It’s funny, isn’t it? These little booklets have been hanging around for decades, unwanted and unread, gathering dust in attics and mouldering on charity shop shelves. While dimly aware of the Make Do and Mend campaign, and someone who cringes at the thought of throwing away usable fabric, I had never seen the pamphlets, or…
Sex on Two Wings
Not a very pretty sky today, but still, that crow is a sure sign of spring. It flew to the tree carrying a big stick in its beak, which it promptly dropped whilst I went to grab the camera. Birds are so uncooperative when it comes to photos. I took the shot anyway, because my…
A little something for spring.
It’s like a new hat for Easter. Only geekier. The only thing missing is a big blowsy flower, at the upper left side, in the form of a new logo. I am, however, working with a wonderful new designer, who’s helping me get the pretty on. The finishing touches will follow shortly. And there is…
The button makes the sweater
I believe I have admitted, probably more than once, to having a wee bit of a button inclination. It’s not quite an obsession, but it does go several notches beyond fancy. I am especially more than a little fond of the chunky Bakelite buttons that look like layers of chocolate and caramel. Colored glass buttons…