All posts in: Blog

02 Sep 2009

Knitting Blind

I hate my knitting. I realize this attitude will not get me anywhere, and is unreasonable, and will eventually pass. Nevertheless. At this moment. I. Hate. My. Knitting. Reason, the first: The Adult Surprise jacket is done and, true to its name, it’s a huge surprise. It looks like crap on me. Having suffered the…

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20 Aug 2009

Under Siege

Ulrica wrote last week with details of a lovely little food game; a variation on the Make Do and Eat strategy for using up the food you have on hand. “Siege” was the name of the game played by her husband’s family. The rules are essentially the same as for Make Do and Eat: Use…

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10 Aug 2009

The sweet taste of success

Is it possible to be too fond of a jar of jelly? Despite the trepidation with which I approached yesterday’s jam session, I am pleased to report that all went well, and we have the jam to show for it. In the face of exploding Jam Myths, I was forced to release the many preconceived…

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05 Jun 2009

Lunch hour

One of the hardest things for me about working from home is maintaining that elusive state commonly known as the work/life balance. When home, I am never more than 25 steps away from my office, meaning I am effectively “at work” all the time. Since there is never a shortage of work to be done,…

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01 May 2009

Gang aft agley

What began as a headache this morning has morphed into a full blown migraine. I thought it might pass, but it really has settled in to stay. I have taken drugs, and cannot therefore podcast or operate heavy machinery. All of this to say that my best laid schemes for launching the new series today…

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