I’m back at my desk this week and hoo boy howdy is there ever a lot of work to catch up on. Normally, this being a podcast week, I’d be totally freaked and worried that it won’t ever be done on time. This week, however, finds me unusually sanguine about the whole thing. There’s a very good reason for this and I am looking forward to sharing all the whys and wherefores in the podcast.
To sum up the last couple of weeks that are, truthfully, already becoming a blur, a photo montage of what’s occurring:
Tonia and I built a fence at the end of the garden, to keep Truman in.
Zach helped me clean the pond, and I finished rebuilding the rockery.
I didn’t quite manage to complete the garden tidy, transplant the day lilies, or make a place for a really big bag of really good dirt.
But the flowers are still gorgeous in the golden autumn light.
Heather arrived and we took her to the beach. While we were drinking cider at a pub on the beach, the Briar Rose yarn for the sweater I’m designing for Heather’s book arrived.
Look at it.
Just look at it.
Heather left for the Craftlit Knitty Tour. Tonia and I caught up with the tour, and met many delightful knitsibs in Cardiff.
Obligatory boozy pub photo, chosen because I look less boozy than either Heather or fellow podcaster, Marie Irshad. Even though I was probably more so.
With the tour we visited Dylan Thomas’ Boathouse in Laugharne, had lunch in Tenby, and visited the Wool Museum. Amy and Philly came home with us and stayed a while. Now we miss them.
I have a small case of post-vacation blues, but am finding solace in working out the details of a new sock pattern.
It looks like this.
Later today I’ll be knitting some Driving Miss Daisy fingerless gloves from this yarn, so I can take new pictures for the newly revised pattern, to be released very soon.
Though it has to be said, there is increasingly less space on my lap these days for knitting.
Been missin’ you, Brenda, and your podcasts. Hope to hear you online again soon.
I have some of that Orkney yarn — in white. Got it at Knit 1 Yarn in Glasgow in ’07. Nothing made up yet…but probably not gloves, just because it’s white — and I’d like it to stay that way! LOL!
Truman looks like a happy pooch — and with a garden like yours, I’m not surprised. My Diesel-cat would love it too. Here the leaves are falling…the garden furniture is being put away for another year, and soon the ponds, lakes and rivers will freeze over…
But we had Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend, and I continue to be thankful for knitting — and for the people I meet, online and elsewhere, through this marvellous craft.
Awesome fence. Gorgeous Briar Rose yarn. Hard to say which is more awesome in its awesomeness, although yarn generally has an edge over anything else.
And Trekking makes a colorway that is Not Bright? Who knew?! (Obviously not me.)
Yay for podcast weeks! And fences! And doing stuff with rocks around ponds! And cute pooches!
I’m lovin’ all those dusty-rosey colors, perfect for soft fall knits.
Can’t wait for the new episode…rock on, Ms. Dayne, rock on.
I just started listening to you podcast last week and I am so enjoying it. Thank you so very much! I look forward to listening to many to come, I am catching up with all the old ones. Love the photo of Truman, what a cutie!
I read your blog faithfully and listen to your podcast, even though I am a weaver and stitcher more than a knitter. I do knit..
I read your blog about Truman sleeping and smiled. I didn’t know how true it could be until two weeks ago when we got a new puppy. I kicked and screamed all the way. I did not want a PUPPY. Now I am smitten but I am doing this while Theo is napping.
Keep in touch, your life in Wales is far away but I feel a part of it here in Seattle
I am looking forward to hearing your voice again. Glad you’re back. Your yard looks lovely and Truman is so cute!
Your garden looks gorgeous, great job!
Good to hear you had fun with the ‘London, Bath & Wales’ crowd, must have been awesome.
Soo looking forward to your next podcast
Did I hear that right? Did you say…podcast week? Don’t mind me, I’m just sneaking off to set itunes up refresh podcasts every hour so I can be sure to catch it as soon as it’s out.
Good morning Brenda and family,
Gorgeous pictures, thank you for sharing, although the yarn shots led to drool on my keyboard… Looking forward to the new podcast as well as the new patterns. In the meantime it looks like you have been having a wonderful time, which is the most important thing of all.
Have a wonderful week,
Blackwall, Australia
Sounds like you have had a busy couple of weeks. I too have itunes anticipating the new release.
Wonderful! You are back to knitting AND podcasting
BTW: are those wonderful flowers lilys?
Love Christina
Such a lovely photo compilation. Your backyard looks beautiful!! And the new yarn and a pattern on the way- how lovely!
Like everyone – I’ve missed your podcast and can’t wait for the new one.
And Truman – could he be any more adorable?
Looking forward to your return!
thanks for the lovely photos – especially the boozy pub one (You look joyful but not boozed up) and the flowers ones (love the quality of the light!)
Looking forward to the next podcast….here I thought we would have to wait until Halloween but it seems there is one coming sooner – Huzza!
Brenda, I can’t begin to tell you how glad I am to hear that you’re back.
I’ve been listening to some “back issues” and have come to realize that the world would be such a dull place if it wasn’t for you. (I didn’t really realize that NOW, though, I’ve known it for a looong time, but I don’t think I’ve ever told you before.)
All the best,
(who, BTW, is not just a little smug about being the first person to comment on your blog after the very first episode of cast on)
I, too, am excited beyond all reason for your new podcasts! And Truman is the cutest puppy ever (said in whisper so my dog doesn’t hear). You know what they say about dogs – There is only one best dog in the world, and every family owns it.
Glad you’re enjoying your time off.
Chicago IL
I just started knitting socks again after not knitting any for many years. I am excited about them all over again. I love your new pattern. The yarn and design look luscious and lovely. I am also jealous of your garden! I look forward to having an outdoor space of my own someday.
SQUUEEEEE! Podcast week! Hurrah! I”m so looking forward to it!
Thanks for sharing the photos and the update- it looks like you have been rather busy!
Hi Brenda, great to meet you last week! What a lovely puppy, he looks very comfortable there. Looking forward to downloading your new episode. I’ve just managed to upload the new Casting Pods, so much going on at the moment, phew! Love to Tonia too.
Ok, so glad you are to be back soon, but I have to say – CUTEST PUPPY EVER!!!!!!!!!!! I can just tell from that picture how soft and sweet he is. I miss having a puppy. They are so much work, but so much fun.
Brenda: That little doggie can displace the yarn on my lap ANYtime, heavy emphasis on the “ANY.” When my little doggie — either one of them for that matter — want to do some lap bonding, I am so honored. Truman looked especially King Charles Cavalier-ish. What is his/her breed?
Those are excellent photos and I would like to claim a prize for not only looking boozier than thou, but actually saluting with my cider in proof. The Truman flick is great. My boys give it two thumbs up.
Miss you tons,
I love the hat Heather wore in the beach photo. Is it knit (can’t really tell on my work computer), and if so, where can I find the pattern? Super cute!
Boozey? Actually no, I don’t drink. But I also don’t handle heat very well and it was so hot in that room hence my flush.
Was fab to see you again and meet Heather. Brilliant news that you’re back to Pod Casting again. Wonderful to hear your dulcet tones again.
@Laurel – I believed Heather mentioned her hat was actually knit from a baby hat pattern, worked in larger yarn on bigger needles. I’ve asked her pop in leave particulars. I loved it too!
Hey Laurel,
It’s Cora’s Cloche from KnitPicks with one extra repeat and a needle size larger. It was QUITE a bit larger (done in the recommended yarn, only black) so I soaked it, dried it in the dryer, then added the ribbon and it fit perfectly. However, as my friends will likely attest, I have a big head.