Feels a bit churlish to lob a photo off with not much commentary, but time is short. Could not seem to get a wireless signal at the hotel in Polenzo, so this is the first chance I’ve had to post since Monday. I have just an hour before we hop a ferry to Como, for a textile museum and silk shopping, so just the highlights for now. And feet.
The biggest score of the week happened on the first day – not quite four meters of Armani wool fabric, in the sale bin for fifty cents per kilo. Color – a sort of herringbone weave, mustard gold on one side, dark dark green on the other. At the same shop, a cone of white cashmere yarn, about 400 grams, light as a feather lace weight. They rang up both together, so I don’t know what I paid for each, but the total for both was 7.07 euros.
I also found black lace for Laura’s corset, not in the least on sale, but gorgeous, and I didn’t need much. The woman gave me deal on half a meter for 20 euros, and delayed her lunch by doing so. I really hope Laura likes it.
Finally, as promised, socks on a balcony, enjoying a view of Lake Como.
Enjoy your time. . . and that incredible view!! Can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures on the podcast.
Hey the socks look fab! Have a wonderful time in Italy (I am not jealous I am not jealous I am not jealous… really, who am I kidding)
Wonderful socks in a wonderful place. How lucky for you! I spent a week in Rome and Florence last summer….great time, great food…with little knitting time. I expect lots of detail in your next podcast. Ciao Ciao!
Life is good isn’t it? Thank you for sharing the photo. What a blessing to have knitting in our lives…did you ever dream you’d be sitting on a balcony in Italy, happy as a clam, wearing a great pair of socks?
Beautiful socks! What a lovely view 🙂
I’ve just finished listening to one of your podcasts (sorry I am late to the party!) and wanted to drop you a line to say how much I enjoyed it. It was episode 45 – SSK. I’ve downloaded the others and will be working my way through them slowly but surely… Keep up the good work and looking forward to hearing all about Italy in a podcast soon.
It’s funny how all we knitters see that photo and see just socks. I imagine normal people would also notice the view. Great socks!! 🙂
The socks are gorgeous. What yarn is that?
Hope you’re having a great time!
Lucky socks, lucky lace, lucky podcaster.