12 Apr 2014

Congratulations, Darlene!


The winner of this week’s Welsh for Rainbow yarn giveaway is Darlene, whose lucky number means that one of these lovely skeins donated by Triskelion Yarn and Fibres will be headed her way soon. The colourway is Gwellt, the Welsh word for barley, and the yarn is Taliesen, a 4-ply British Blue Faced Leicester, superwash treated, which also makes it excellent for socks.

The second skein in the photograph is, of course, headed for the swag in-waiting stash pile for week number ten. In the final week of the Welsh for Rainbow free yarn blow out, I’ll be giving away ALL the yarn for all nine projects in the book, plus an awesome super secret turbo surprise.

Tintern Square

Next week’s giveaway is yarn for one of the most popular projects in Welsh for Rainbow, Tintern Abbey socks. The winner will be announced in the podcast, next Thursday.

By the book, win some yarn. Could not be simpler.

Posted on April 12, in Blog


  1. Darlene wrote:

    Thank you Brenda, I’m so excited to be the winner of this beautiful yarn! I sent you my info in an email. Wow I’ve always wanted to visit your gorgeous country but the next best thing is winning yarn from you!

    A Knitsib from PEI

    Posted on 4.12.14 ·
  2. Brenda – it is so good to hear you back…
    lots and lots of love.

    Posted on 4.23.14 ·

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