Title: Japanese Inspired Knits: Marianne Isager Collection Author: Marianne Isager Publisher: Interweave Press Paperback; 144 pages Suggested Retail Price: US $22.95, UK £16.99 Available from: Amazon US/ Amazon UK Marianne Isager draws from nature and the countries where she travels and teaches to create her elegant knitted designs. Her most recent book available in English,…
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Faith, Love, Hope, Knitting
Faith, Love, Hope, Knitting: Celebrating the Gift of Knitting with 24 Beautiful Patterns Author: Lorna Miser Publisher: Watson-Guptill Hardcover, 144 pages Price: US $24.95, UK £14.99 Available from: Amazon US/ Amazon UK Every knitted item is invariably laden with the memories of the knitter’s life as the knitting was done. Ask any knitter about a…
Simple Style
Title: Simple Style Author: Ann Budd Publisher: Interweave Press Hard-bound: 136 pages Price: $16.47 US/£12.99 UK Available from: Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. Simple Style, the latest pattern book in Interweave’s popular ‘Style’ Series, is ‘a collection of nineteen contemporary garments that celebrate stunning results without the intricate techniques’. I can’t imagine that there’s a knitwear designer…
The Intentional Spinner
Rebekkah Kerner finds the balance between “knowing” and “doing”, in Judith MacKenzie McCuin’s new spinning book.
Sit and Spin
If you’ve ever found yourself lusting over handspun art yarn, or wondering how to make it yourself, Jacey Boggs’ new spinning video offers some answers.