All posts in: Blog

11 May 2010

Women who stare at cows

Simon, a retired policeman, and one of the four farmers down at the end of our lane, is our closest farming neighbour. Well, he used to be a farming neighbour. Now he’s just a neighbour. Simon only ever kept cows, and he stopped keeping those a few years back when changes to Ministry of Agriculture…

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10 May 2010

Testicle snacks

No, not my first choice in beach refreshment, but the title of my latest watercolor. (Click to biggerize.) The scene is a small rocky beach at Saundersfoot harbor, painted from a photo taken back in October. The day was overcast, and the scene was decidedly lacking the play of shadow and light that makes images…

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30 Apr 2010

Passport photos of the stars

Passport photos make everyone look like a terrorist. You know it’s true. Please don’t tell me that your photo is worse. Nothing could possibly be worse than whatever the hell is up with my Alfalfa hair. The girl who took this photo at Kinkos ten years ago didn’t say a word. Presumably she looked through…

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24 Apr 2010

Come Saturday morning

Last week at this time I was on a bus, traveling from Hackney to Barking, an area of London I’ve never visited before. Barking is a rather odd little place, about as far east from the center of the city as it is possible to live, and still call yourself a Londoner. I was in…

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19 Apr 2010

I will put my feet up. I promise. Later.

Life’s been a bit of whirlwind over the past couple of weekends, with much visiting with friends, a lot of sketching, many good meals, occasionally perhaps a wee bit too much wine, and even a little knitting. The trip to London this past weekend was, as ever, both incredibly stimulating and completely exhausting. Being used…

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