Happy St David’s Day, plus one! I almost missed St David’s Day as the daffodils, my usual seasonal reminder, are a bit late this year. We’re still seeing clumps of snowdrops, normally long since faded by this time, off in the woods, along river banks, although they are past their best. Wild bluebells will be…
All posts in: Blog
Podcast in progress…
I lost two days this week to sound card issues, and am running a little behind with podcast production. (My kingdom for an MBox 2 Mini.) I plan on working through the weekend, and Episode 74 will up on Sunday. For updates and other related brain dumpage, you can now follow Cast On on Twitter!
I finished a sweater this week. A simple top down raglan that may, or may not become a Today’s Sweater, as it was supremely uninteresting to knit. (Actually, that’s not quite true. Every sweater has its interesting bits. This sweater had fewer of them than most but, as my first successful top down raglan, I…
High Tide at New Year
Filling up, spilling over.
Little Things
It’s like one of those 1940’s screwball comedies, where the girl hates the guy and they trade wisecracks, until she discovers his redeeming qualities and removes her glasses…