Painting has more to do with knitting than it would seem at first glance. Pembrokeshire artists, Linda Norris, and Claudia Myatt colour my world, and a new bind off technique that will rocks my toe up socks.

Thanks this week to my guests, Pembrokeshire painters Linda Norrisand Claudia Myatt
Yarn everywhere. Sadly, not in a good way, in Cockermouth. Watch the video here.
Jany’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off has changed my sock knitting forever. Do try this technique. You will love it.
This weeks’ Audible pick comes from Hunter, who recommends anything by the author Mary Doria Russell.
In addition to their Red Scarf Program The Orphan Foundation of America has a variety of ways in which you can help.
Nepali Designs contest challenges knitters and weavers to design a scarf. The winning designer will have his or her scarf created by the Nepalese women in the collective.
Plus, Dave’s back. Subscribe to his new podcast, First Life, in iTunes.
As you can see from the image on the front page, my sister’s felted pumpkins are not nearly as twee as the photo on this page makes them seem. The contest On the MarxFoods blog was supposed to finish on Wednesday 25th, but hasn’t for some reason. So there’s still time to vote for Pam, if you’re so inclined. Many thanks to those who have already done so!

KniTunes were provided by and used with the permission of:
Jakob Martin – November Night
Kristin Andreasson – Crayola Doesn’t Make a Color
DC Sills – Small Town
Tom Smith – So, Thanks
Additional music: Home Comes the Rover and Lillian, A Portrait In Sound by Jim Fidler
Hurrah! It’s my day off so I’m headed to Blenheim Palace to sit on the terrace and drink tea and knit whilst I listen to Cast-On. Thanks for the new episode.
Liz xx
Yay! Looking forward to the new episode while I attempt to do some finishing work. Thank you!
First time listener – what a wonderful episode!! Can’t wait to listen to prior shows, I’m hooked.
hi Brenda;
I am a long time listener, first time commenter. I am consistently very impressed by your podcast and find it just gets better and better. I deeply appreciated your interviews with the two painters, and found their comments (and yours) quite inspirational. Thanks for the work you do.
Michele from Canada
It makes me so happy to see that you have uploaded a new episode! Thanks for your continuing dedication to knitters everywhere. I just discovered this website – it would have been ideal for the Make Do and Mend series, and I am sure that it’s message will resonate with everyone who loved those episodes.
I’m getting nothing on the download option above. Is it me or a problem?
Barb T
Loved hearing about these words that makes your vocabulary your own. And love the special words in my own.
Thanks for a great show!
I feel the exact same way about Oregon. I can’t wait – we’re moving back in June of 2010. You’ll have to come visit! 🙂
I really love this podcast. Listening to it encouraged and supported me while walking my two dogs for 1.5km each, with rain threatening. I love that you talked about sock knitting and Brother Amos socks. I love JSSBO too. Have you thought about doing a Today’s Socks when you’re not doing a Today’s Sweater. Lovely to hear an artist talk about how its mostly technique rather than talent. I’m suprised that really experienced knitters comment on my neat stitches and I love learning new things like the neater SSK, the Slip 1 Knitwise, Slip 1 Purlwise, Knit together through the back loop. Again thanks for a great podcast.
Hi Brenda. I finally got caught up after being way behind. Love your story about the small town and its quirks. Thanks for a great story, as always.
Thanks again for a lovely podcast. It made a long drive home after a far too long day of work seem to take only a moment. I really enjoyed hearing about the background and creative processes of the artists and adored Crayon Doesn’t Make a Color. Thank you!
BRILLIANT! again! as usual! How do you do it?!?! I really loved this one, Brenda.
Thanks for another great episode! You’ve gotten me hooked on the Crayola song and I too can’t wait to finish a sock to try out this new-to-me bind off.
Loved Linda Norris’s comments about drawing as a way of connecting with place. So glad you’re back, Brenda. When I see that there is a new podcast of Cast On it’s one of those pull the arm down with a fist gestures with a big out loud “YES!!!!!!!!!”
love it! wonderful interviews. Thank you!
i too am an american living abroad and i miss thanksgiving the most.
thanks for sharing, it makes me feel better to know someone else understands 🙂
Thank-you for a wonderful podcast…It is such a gift with each new episode. Your episodes got me through a difficult harvest on the farm. (Yes, I had knitting in my tractor!)
I’m taking a watercolor course right now too, so I’ve been loving your comments the last couple shows. The interviews with the artists were just what I needed to hear right now as I’m trying to get back to the arts that used to make me so happy. I loved the line that went something like “we all do something”. There’s no mystery, just practice and love of what we’re doing. It was so good to be reminded. Thank you for not being afraid to include all your interests in this “knitting podcast”.
During a bout of sore throat/rasping cough/general malaise a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon your podcast. I decided to begin at the beginning, perhaps an anally retentive trait acquired long ago, whatever, and became immediately entranced for many reasons. I am a new-ish knitter and quilter, a long-time cross-stitch/needlecrafter and on and off-again sewer and so, anything crafty interests me but owing to the enjoyment I am getting at the moment from knitting, I feel that I can officially state that I am knit-mad and know that you will understand that title. I listened to a few other knitting podcasts, but yours is the one I returned to. As I said before, there are many reasons. As well as your wonderful knit slots (sweater, beginner knitting etc.) I too am an American living in Britain. I raised all four of my boys here and have now lived here for over half my life, which is a scary thought! I’m originally from New York but have travelled widely across the States so am so in tune with your musings about hearth and home and it seems that we share the same politics as well. What I most like (besides the content, fabulous new and exciting music, guests etc) is the warmth, humour and intelligence that beams out of the podcast.
Having listened to over 15 episodes, in order, I was ‘scared’ to listen to more recent podcasts, in case you changed the show too much for my liking! I decided to be brave (HAHA) and give the most recent one a listen. I loved it, loved hearing about Narbeth and your guest’s experience of painting, and the messages it sent to me. Go for it, don’t worry…be happy sort of thing!
Anyway, don’t want to gush, just wanted to say how much I admire, appreciate and look forward to your podcasts. Like a good book, I don’t want to get to the end too quickly, so will ration myself to one or two a week! Of course, feeling better, life will also get in the way!
Thanks again.
Holy crap, that bind off is amazing! I usually go with EZ’s sewn bind off, but that is even stretchier and better! Thanks so much for the wonderful tip and podcast!
Hi Brenda, I’m a long time listener (as in from the beginning) yet first time commenter. I really appeciate you sharing your painting experiences. I too am just learning about watercolours and am having difficulty putting paint to paper and listening to the interviews you did with these two artists was really motivating. I look forward to your next posts as always and also when I hear your familiar voice on Quirky Nomads.
Frauke from Vancouver, Canada
So I didn’t get to listen to the episode whilst at Blenheim in the end as my ipod lied to me regarding the amount of remaining battery power (zip as it turned out). But I did listen to it later and again on the train up to Bolton last night (one episode of Never Not Knitting and 3 of Cast-On gets me the whole way) and I have to say thank you for pointing me at JSSBO – it came in handy almost immediately for a ribbed black scarf.
Best show ever! informative, intertaining and inspirational. Thanks especially for sharing with us the JSSBO?
I found your podcast last night and can’t put my iPod down. It’s nice to see another American Expat that shares my love for knitting.
Patti Tucker
Bristol UK
Also… I loved the song by Kristin Andreasson – Crayola Doesn’t Make a Color … just purchased it on iTunes and dedicated it to my husband on Facebook. What a GREAT song… she has a new fan!!!
Another wonderful episode THANKS
Loved the last song selection and the reference to my hometown of Cincinnati! (WKRP in Cincinnati Turkey’s away!)
that was a pleasant surprise.
It’s funny.. to travel around and often that is the one reference to my City.. a TV sitcom..
While Cincinnati has historically been a significant city… and is a fairly nice size (not too big.. not too small)… I do notice at times the provincialness of the cities inhabitants!….
Thanks Brenda
Happy Solstice!!
Wow! This is the first time that I have listened to your podcast. It touched me on many different levels.
I am a painter, knitter, quilter, and feel exactly as Linda does. My painting is angst. The rest is fun.
I also enjoyed your piece on small town life. I grew up in the city and now live in a small town. I have grown
to love life here, but also love the city.
I will enjoy listening to your podcasts as I knit. I have a lot of catching up to do!
So Hi Brenda …
I’m finally caught up on all the Episodes … 🙂 … I loved them all! Every aspect from the segments to the information to the songs … Thankyou for inspiring and sharing with us so generously!
Have a wonderful Christmas/Holidays everyone!
I finally got caught up on my listening and just finished this podcast. It was quite a delight! I loved hearing the interviews, and I really enjoyed all the music selections. You found some real gems there!
could you post instructions for the JSSBO? I would really appreciate it and want to try it, but my brain cant seem to copy it down from the podcast. Thanks 🙂
Elisa, You’ll find directions for the JSSBO here.
Absolutely loved Kristin Andreasson’s song Crayola! Was able to find albumn it was on and purchased it. Can’t wait to listen to the rest of her songs!