Help, I need more Brenda.

Suffering a little from Brenda withdrawal? Relax. Your fix is only a click away.

Recorded by Brenda in 2006, and released into the public domain in 2007, the audio book of Elizabeth Wharton’s classic novel, The Age of Innocence, is free to download and share. A summary of the book and individual audio files of each chapter are available here. A zip file of the entire book (361.4MB) is here.

Quirky Nomads
When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth – an audiodrama adaptation by Sage Tyrtle, based on a short story by Cory Doctorow.

Five Slides – Based on a selection of old slides found in a box, in the recycling room of a large apartment building in Toronto, an original story written and read by Brenda Dayne, Ted Riecken, Bruce Murray, King Bonk, and Lucinda Chell.

Blue Peach – an original ensemble audio drama by Sage Tyrtle, set in Toronto, in which Brenda plays veterinarian, and long-suffering step-mother to her husband’s demon spawn, Dr Judith Tibereo-Gerard. Series One Omnibus – all eight episodes, in one file. Series Two begins here.

When not participating in original Qn audio drama, Brenda lets off steam as the lead singer in the punk band, Whore Landlord.