It’s a Library Thing – The Mighty MagnaBowl! – Design a Sweater for Marie Claire – Provisional Cast-On: The video – Short Row Toes for Toe-Up socks: The tutorial. – The Dink Dolls hit the road – Don’t miss the latest episode of Dark Speed! – Special thanks to writer Sally Snell and Dewi Jones of Esgair Moel, St Fagan’s and to cookie senders Sarah and Julia.
- Josh Woodward – The Spirit World
- Bitstream Dream – Rising Sun
- Parlour Dames – Newcastle
- Black Lab – See the Sun
Additional Tracks:
- Esgair Moel – Jim Fidler – Flow on Waterford River
- Comments – Up Stairs – Mother’s Mandolin
O.M.G. So glad you liked the FLATOUTbear, I have a Koala that I have taken to having on my knee when I watch T.V. and it is strangely comforting – for a 33 year old woman!
My 5 year old went to Soccer Camp on his own this week and I cried when he came home after the first day, he’d had a brilliant time and all I could think was – he’ll be grown up and leaving home soon. Don’t want to think about him being old enough to get married.
Yet another great show, thank you so much.
Hey Brenda – thanks so much for the spin! Very cool to see podcasts on topics other than the latest Mac hardware, and even better when they gain a nice audience!
In my excitement of being the first comment I forgot to say that on your recommendation last week I have just done a toe-up with provisional cast-on using the Universal toe-up sock formula. Fantastic, at last a perfect fit for a seven month old with short fat feet. Thanks for all of your great advice, we do follow it!
Hi from Germany! I have not listened yet to this episode, but to all previous ones since you began. I am just dropping in to let you know how much I like and appreciate your podcast. Lisa
I love the podcast! I like all the resources you pull together and always check out your links… did want to point out that the Marie Claire sweater design contest ended July 31, so we missed it… maybe next time!
Found your podcasts on my way out to an Art Camp where there is no TV or News. It was a great way to relax after a long day making prints. I knitted socks to your GREAT show every night. Came back today and checked out your site online. The links [ads] are really delicious with that hand painted yarn. I have lots of shows to catch up on but really look forward to them all. Sorry I missed the Olympics!
Brenda, just a quick note, you are still my absolute fav knitting podcast, no podcast of all time. go girl.
Thank you so much for the great podcast! Your trip to the mill was like a documentary for fiber enthusiasts. I can’t tell you how fun it is to have you take us to places that many of us, sadly, will likely only dream of.
Hi Brenda,
Let me start by saying I love your podcast and especially enjoyed the muse series. Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication.
Sorry to report that the Design a Sweater deadline ws July 31. they don’t tell you that until you actually register. Darn.
I live in Los Angeles and have a friend who has a house in Wales. She is going there next week, and when I told her about you, wondered where in Wales you live. I don’t have the patience to review all the podcasts to find out, so thought I would just ask you. Is there anything you want brought over from LA?
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Brenda – another great podcast!! Loved it, as usual.
Can’t believe you played Black Lab! (well, yes, I can, because you play a bit of everything, it seems. haha) I LOVE them!
I also can’t wait to knit your sock pattern – I’m in the process of deciding if I have appropriate yarn in my stash or if I just need to pull out the credit card and go shopping. 
Hey, Brenda! That was an excellent program, thank you very much! I especially enjoyed your musical choices. How do you do it week after week? You’re amazing, lady!
Ooh! I forgot to say that I bought a couple of candles,a Grapefruit and a CumumberMelon from the Dame Candle Company. They are truly fantastic!
heya brenda, not just padding the comments here, also letting you know that I really enjoyed this week’s show! I’m gonna contribute someday, if I can ever get off my ever-expanding bum. Thanks!
I was going to comment about the sweater contest but I see that’s been done a few times so I’ll just say, very cool that you played some Jim Filder tunes. I drive by the Waterford River every day on my way to work and Jim is a friend of a friend. The Internet is such a vast, yet small world.
Hi Brenda! I wanted to let you know of a great (and free) toe up sock pattern that you can perhaps share with your listener. It uses both a short row toe and heel. The pattern is from here is the link:
Brenda — You continue to light up my life, inspire my knitting, and provide solace to my soul. I would love to see a book of your essays, sprinkled with photos of the Welsh countryside, your family (including dogs), and some of your sweaters. (I extolled your virtues last week in my blog. Sent you another e-mail, but I’ve decided you’re not getting them from my work account so I’m trying here.) Thanks for the wonderful podcast – it’s really such a generous gift!
Hey Brenda –
Here’s my little contribution to subverting the genre and giving journalists something else to talk about than yoga:
BTW, what’s wrong with the invisible cast-on from all the EZ books, the one that looks sort of like the long-tail, but one of the strands is waste yarn? It’s really fast, and I like it for a sock toe much better than the crochet CO (WAY too slow and picky) or the Magic-8. That said, I haven’t tried the modified CO from the knitty article, and will do so soon.
I ordered some candles. Can’t wait till they come….
I found your podcast about a month ago after seeing mention of knitting podcasts on and spent 2 weeks (during your last between season break) listening to all the previous podcasts that I’d missed. Since I pretty much listen only at work it means Monday mornings are that much nicer for your podcast to listen to.
All that said, I did want to mention that when you alluded to a situation with your son that you couldn’t talk about in ep.32 I felt I knew exactly what it could be. I’m glad that it’s turning out all right (as well as can be) and hope you get out there to meet your new bit of family soon.
Waving my circs at you from Florida,
Brenda — contact me if you’re really interested in acquiring a Grafton spindle. I’ve a spindle collection which you can see on my Flicker page: If this doesn’t work, there’s a link on my blog,
Sorry about your son — my daughter was married in June. For the whole year leading up to what turned out, thank goodness, to be a happy event, I knew that any moment something awful could happen and my heart would also be broken. And, would she care or notice?
I love listening to your podcast. I have been listening since December and enjoy listening to it every week.
I decided to comment today because I was wondering if your son does decide to have a formal wedding, does it mean that you would come out here to the Northwest? If you do, and you have time, there are a lot of new yarn shops around and alpaca farms to visit, as an added lure.
Hi Brenda,
Your wonderful dolls have arrived safe and sound after being given a hard time by the Australian customs. They are having quite an adventure in Australia, within 24 hours they were witnessing their first fight at the rugby league.
Graeme would like to point out that their trousers keep falling down.
The boys enjoyed a coffee at the beach, a chat to a horse, and are off for a nights work at the steelworks.
The shoes are as great as the dolls but they kept falling of Gary and we almoat lost one. So I took the liberty of making one stitch through his foot and into the boot, hope you don’t mind.
Even the book that came with them is really special.
Your podcast has inspired me to pick up
the pointy sticks and I’m really enjoying it so thanks for that.
I love your podcast, Brenda! I stalk my computer and iTunes every Friday just waiting for your show to download. I take you along with me to my kids’ piano lessons on those afternoons, and now that I’ve found your show, I’m not sure I could survive listening to “Indian Dance” and “Beginner’s Minuet” without it! I also want you to know that your “Today’s Sweater” segment inspired me to make my very first adult-sized sweater. I’ve done loads of baby sweaters in the past, but I never took the time to make anything larger. It’s a raglan tunic, so I’m sure there will be a story there someday about how it’s unfashionable, but oh, so comfy. I just want to thank you again for inspiring me to try something new with my pointy sticks. Many cookies to you!
I’m _finally_ getting my act together to leave you a comment to say thank you for all the fun I’ve had listening to your podcasts – you’ve even inspired me to have a go at a couple of my own (nothing to do with knitting – I’m a maths teacher – I did a couple of podcasts to help my students revise!)
I love your knitters’ manifesto from way back – I couldn’t agree more with the importance of simply creating something with love. (Or with gritted teeth as you force your way through yet _another_ row of K1P1 – but then isn’t that the real love shining through, that we continue even when every fibre of our being is screaming to stop!)
Oh, and I’m a Brit through and through, and I have absolutely no stiff upper lip – I was so glad to be able to listen to your last two ‘casts back to back – I didn’t want to have to wait a week to check that you’re OK. I’ve a bit of a way to go – my children are 4 and 2, but I expect that moment will come all too quickly.
I’m wittering…
Hi Brenda,
Well I just finished listening to my first Podcast! How cool is this?? I loved it. I look forward to listening to your next program and wanted to say thanks foe your dedication and creativity. You make alot of knitters happy!
Brenda, this podcast just broke my heart. When you were talking about how you will probably not see your son very often now that he’s an adult, I almost broke into tears. My daughter’s only 2 but it kills me to think that one day she’s going to go off and hardly ever think of me, but I’ll think of her every day. I hope your son is doing well and has called to talk to you:)
Great job with the podcast by the by. I love listening and can’t wait for the next episode. Take care!
Oh, I know the feelings you are having about your son all too well, Brenda. Both of my children are world travelers. My 24-year-old daughter is currently living with us (which is another story altogether)but she has studied abroad (for a year each time) in Japan, England, and China. My son, who is 20, lived in Germany for a year, came home for a year, and is now back in Germany. My greatest fear is that he will meet some comely fraulein and his life in California (where I live) be just so much history.
This is the trouble with giving children wings – they use them! And they are too busy having their own lives to worry about how what they do affects us.
I enjoy your podcast so much! I listen while walking to and from the train on my morning commute. Sometimes you have me in tears and other times you have me laughing out loud. Thanks for keeping me company!
Brenda, I love your podcasts, and although this comment is late, I am happier having a nice stockpile of Cast-Ons to look forward to than starving out a deficit!
But, day-um, girl, you made me cry in traffic. On the way to the dentist. At rush-hour. On the freeway. You scared the other drivers who, with nothing better to do than stare into the other cars immobile alongside them, wondered why I was sobbing alone (to their eyes) without a man there to be pissing me off.
As the mother of a 15 year-old son you shook my own future in my face and I don’t like it. Not one bit. You owe me a hug. I’ll give you one back, because I feel so like a sister in this motherhood thing. Well done.
Oh Brenda–I was so touched by your story about your son. I e-mailed you personally a few months ago about my situation: I am divorcing my husband with shared custody of our 6 and 7 year old sons, and every day seems to be re-inventing the wheel as far as how to raise them with someone I’m still not getting along with. But, I keep telling myself that I have to be strong for them, and I make myself strong even when I don’t want to. I can’t even imagine what the next few years will bring, but I try to keep myself focused on them so I can be open and available when they need me. All I can say, and you know this, is being a single mom is hard and you just have to believe in yourself and your innate gifts as a mother and do the best you can.
…and knit when you need solace.
I’m behind in episodes, so I’m sure much has resolved for you and Chris since last summer. I wish you and your boys (as they will always be) well.
Oh my. I have my Ipod on pause – I just got through the first part of this epiosde. I really, really do commiserate and sypathize with you! My mother lives 2,000 miles away from me. Although, I was the one that moved away. It’s hard. I miss her all the time. Over stupid little things, too! No stiff upper lip for me either. I can cry at the drop of a hat. lol I feel for you and I hope the missing gets easier. (((hugs)))