Gwlana is happening! Sign up here!
I’m counting on you to help me tell All the Knitters about gwlana. Here are some ways you can help:
- Tell every knitter you know about this podcast.
- Write a blog or Facebook post about the retreat, with a link to
- Stop by the Gwlana Facebook page, and give it like, and share it with your friends so that they can share it with their friends.
- Follow @brendadayne on twitter and Facebook.
- Hashtags to remember: #gwlana #MatchYarnMonday #FairIsleFriday
- Mention the May retreat in your favourite Ravelry group, and link to
- Help me with my blog and podcast tour this month. I need your ideas. Get in touch.
- Follow my Mini-Me Sweater progress on Instagram. (This is the stream with the unreasonable numbers of chicken photos. Sorry.)
- Help me knit! OMG I am so not kidding. If you can knit a Mini-Me sweater for the retreat, I will send yarn, pattern, charts, a special thank you, and my eternal grateful thanks. Get in touch.
In this episode: I’m back at the mic, and spend most of the podcast illustrating, in my own delightful way, exactly why you will find my podcast in the Philosophy section of iTunes. It’s personal, this podcast. If you’re new to the podcast, you can find the early episodes I talked about, A Snow Day and Pulling a Geographic as well as all the rest in the Audio Archive. Here is the amazing TED talk, The Art of Being Yourself.
You can learn more about Mr Rogers in this video, or this one. One of his signature cardigans is in the collection of the National Museum of American History, and can be seen here.
Today’s Sweaters! With charts from The Knitsonik Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook, by Felicity Ford.

Sloes Mini-Me

The Wonders of Electricity Mini-Me
In the market for a dress form? Kennet & Lindsell Ltd make really good ones.
Thanks to Sally Moss, from the Welsh Wool Museum, for her lovely description of the Welsh tradition of gwlana.
Music: It’s You I Like, written by Fred Rogers, performed by John Costa, the man at the keyboard for Mr Rogers Neighborhood all those years, and a talented pianist in his own right; It’s You I Like, written by Fred Roders, performed by Dan Heidt, used with permission, find more of Dan’s music here and here; Count On Me, by Bruno Mars, performed by Goodnight Fellows, used with permission.
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I don’t know what happened, knitsibs. The box to enable comments was checked one minute, and the next minute it wasn’t. I blame gnomes.
^_^ Very exciting to have a new episode – and lovely mini-mes!
Yaaaaaay – you’re back!!! 🙂
Of course it was you that made Cast On so special! We love you Brenda.
Which wool shows are you visiting this year? Is there any chance of me meeting you at Fibre East??
OH MY, that Ted Talk was extraordinary. Thank you so much!
Thank you for this episode. It kept me company while painting newly- installed picture rail in my living room. I have missed you (your voice, your stories… YOU).
Great to hear you back. What a fantastic podcast. We love you loads.
It’s so wonderful to hear your voice! How I’ve missed you. I too am a big Mr. Roger’s fan (I cried when I heard he’d passed away). The best thing about him was his son saying he was absolutly the same man at home that you saw on the show *sniff*. Anyhow, welcome back. I feel complete again!
I knew it! So glad you are back! Now where is this wonderful formula for the yokes ? I must knit a Heather Alpha chicken yoke ????????????
Of course darling. It was you all along.
This made it really difficult for me to listen to the episodes where you were too apologetic (about podcasting more, or less, or this way or that way, or asking for money etc… I don’t remember well, it was long time ago.)
I like you very much, indeed.
I haven’t written to you in ages, but this time I needed to answer to you.
<3 Manuèle
You are worthy…….worthy to love and be loved……. worthy to be adored, admired, cried with and over…… worthy to be missed…
Your sharing of you has touched me in so many ways through the joys and the most difficult times of my life that you have become an integral part of my soul, of choices, and the balance that you have named here as “equalibrium”.
Oh, how I have missed you Brenda. I wish I could be at your workshop this year, but hope that we can visit again very soon. Warmest hugs
Thank you Brenda! What a wonderful gift in my birthday month???? yup I celebrate the whole month! I was late finding this podcast but it was lovely just the same That was a fabulous TED talk. I’m sure you are having a beaufully magnaficant time at Gwlana I will think of you all have the time of your life while I knit on my old & new knitting projects this weekend. Yes Brenda it was always you that made us listen and love everything you did for us!
Thanks again Knit Sib
A friend in PEI
Love the podcast, love the video, and I LOVE thay you’re back, Brenda! Missed you like I miss good friends who I haven’t gotten to talk to in a while.
Is there a pattern for the sweater that is the mini-me sweater #2 in Felix’s book? I know you said the color pattern is, but that is just so stunning that I want to knit it! I am intending to get the color work book as soon as I can afford it…
Thank you. For being back, for being you! And for sharing the Caroline McHugh video. It was just what I needed today, three months after you recorded.
How absolutely wonderful to have found that you are recording again! I must say, I got chills when you revealed what made Cast On so special… why is it that we have such a hard time accepting ourselves? And it takes a long time to do that crawl, doesn’t it? And it’s so easy to tumble backwards…
Fred Rogers is one of my heroes as well. I am proud to call Pittsburgh my home, just as he did.
Thank you… for being YOU!