In this episode: Free yarn! Plus, Pretty little Forsythia thugs. ::shakes fist::
Lovely fibre for spinning from these fine purveyors:
Freyalyn’s Hand-dyed Fibres
Edgewood Garden Studio
Countess Ablaze
I turned to Sarah Anderson’s The Spinner’s Book of Yarn Designs: Techniques for Creating 80 Yarns for help and inspiration. Highly recommended.
We’ve been eating out of Nigel Slater’s Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food. Also, highly recommended. The recipe for chorizo with sweet potato mash is particularly nice.

The KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook celebrates daily life in stranded colourwork knitting, and shows you how to do the same! Felix’s unique design system begins with ordinary objects and places from her life, as well as your own, and finishes with gorgeous stranded colourwork knitting + charts. To support this Kickstarter project visit the The KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebookpage on Kickstarter to subscribe.
Want some yarn? See that book cover for Welsh for Rainbow over there to the right? Click here. Buy the book. Win this yarn.
I’m listening to The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet. It’s fabulous.
Music by: Tom Waits, You Can Never Hold Back Spring; Tanya Davis, Art from the cd Make a List; Amy Steinberg, Exactly, from the cd Must Be the Moon; Wil Maring, Rows, from the cd The Calling
Oh my goodness, thankyou Brenda. I really need this today. Oh boy, what a terrific way to end the week. Thanks, mandi
Thank you for telling the world about my Kickstarter, for interviewing me and editing the audio and including it all in this lovely, lovely episode.
I did cry actually because of the Mad-Men level of appropriate musical choices, and the sense of you returning to yourself after a long and tough and horrible time. Your book, your energy, the daffodils, the messy kitchen corner all spoke to me of hope. I feel like my dear friend is BACK, and this is A Wonderful Thing.
Sorry about your Forsythia, though.
Thanks again for your amazing public support for The KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook! And for this beautiful audio.
Hurrah for the returning spring.
Thanks for coming back to us, Brenda! We’ve missed your unique way at looking at the world and of course, the knitting. Loved this episode so much!
Loved hearing about your spring and just the idea of opening the windows….as I sit here in central NY watching it snow. lol Tomorrow it is supposed to be 50 so spring is trying to get here As always a throughly enjoyable podcast. Thank you!
Spring is a time of new beginnings when the gods confirm that life goes on after the bleak harsh times of winter, I am so pleased Brenda to hear that you have at last found hope again.
Lovely episode Brenda, thanks for a little glimps of spring in Wales! Just what I needed here in our snow covered PEI. Oh and I cut a few branches off our Forsythia tree that is totally buried in snow to take in side and force a little spring!
Happy knitting
Your knit sib,
Thank you for such a well crafted podcast. The way you wove together the description of Spring and your renewed sense of yourself was lovely. Your essay was beautifully written and read. Like others, I am happy you are finding peace.
I turned on your podcast to keep me company while washing walls! Great synchronicity. I hope to get Felix’s book for my designing daughter for Christmas. Love having you back in my life. There are many days you shared my walk in the corn field on the other side of the salmon creek behind my house. Thanks for sharing your new spring with us. Welcome back to the sunshine.
Thank you Brenda for your words and music, especially Amy Steinberg’s song. They came at exactly the right moment, were exactly what I needed to hear, and brought happy tears to my eyes. It’s good to have you back.
So good to hear your voice – welcome back, dear Brenda. I have 5 kids and every time one of them says they are cold the other 4 chime in with “put on a sweater – that’s what they’re for!!!!”
I am so very happy to hear you…back and enthusiastic. Your mind is wonderful. Keep it coming! Loyal knit sib, Mardi in Oregon. (i even got up at 4:30 to watch you live on the Plinth on Trafalger square!) Cheers
Have recently begun listening to your podcast – I truly enjoy it and now look forward to each episode. I am an Audible addict…..completely agree, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet, is a wonderful listen. Spring is starting to peek out past a horrid winter here in Central Illinois, USA……my husband ‘accidently’ sprayed my forsythia bush with plant killer….I hope it is back this year! Thanks again!
Thanks for the lovely new episode ^_^ and great to see the Kickstarter has succeeded!