In this episode: When Truman speaks you have to listen. (It’s the tail chasing that does it.) Dishing up a side of economics with your science before running full tilt towards the cliff where 1410 knitters have gone before. (This is all Amy’s fault.) And, apparently, the reason I took all those acting classes in the 80’s comes down to one single quote by Constantine Stanislavski, long forgotten, but remembered today.
The Lanesplitter. Everyone is doing it. You know you want to. Mine is ravelled here though, admittedly, not much to see yet. This skirt with these mods, pretty much put me over the edge. Not having to do actual trigonometry made for a soft landing.
Northern Exposure – A primer for the young people:
One of my all time favorite scenes:
Huge thanks to Natalie, at The Yarn Yard, who saved my socks, and Cat Bordhi’s book that gave me my Memory Vessel.
This week’s Audible picks:
Bad Science, by Ben Goldacre and Freakonmics, by the Steves.
I do the Facebooks. Also the g+ and, of course, I’m still doing the twitter. Come find me!
Music by Phil Ayoub, 32 Memory Lane, from the cd Arrivals and Departures.
Ahem. I had one heck of a crush on the esteemed Mr. Chris in the Morning when that show was on. That is all. Carry on.
I haven’t listened to this week’s episode yet, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you! I love the stripped-down, every week version of cast-on! I love your voice, I love the way you think, I love the topics you talk about. Hope your V-day was awesome! Lots of love!
LOL You know Dawn French credits walks up the hill with her dog with much of her recent 7st + weight loss?! Love Truman ;)) My motivation is also a spaniel, an English Cocker… the merriest dogs ever, always guaranteed to cheer and inspire!
I know exactly what you mean about knitting holding your memories. In 2010 I spent nealy a month in Nepal and Tibet. Throughout the trip I worked on knitting a sock. Part of the trip was spent hiking through the Himalayas to get the East face basecamp of Mt Everest. We eventaully made it around to the North face basecamp where I and my friend Moni did the world highest stich-n-bitch. When ever I put this pair of socks on I remember. I feel the feelings I had when I was there. I remember how amazing it felt to be on top of the world. These sock help me get back there and also help to look forward to whats next in socks and in hiking.
So, I’ve spent all this time listening to every single podcast and I’ve finally caught up….. and then you’re going to be away for 2 weeks!!! Arrgghhh – how will I cope? lol
Have a nice break and I hope Welsh for Rainbow is going well.
There was so much wonderful in this episode, I know I will listen several times. I enjoyed the reminder about being present and how sometimes it is something so innocuous as our pet that brings it up. I just got a new dog and my walks with her will be richer for these thoughts. And, of course, I must now find a boxed set of Northern Exposure – my all-time favorite show. My favorite bit was the description of Brenda’s art project and the memory vessels. I cherish my knitting memories and have the perfect bit of yarn from a sweater I knit my mom to share when Brenda passes through our town on the great Cast On Tour! Thank you, Brenda, for taking the time to share your reflections and journey with us!
I laughed out loud when you commented about your 53-y.o. azz and allowing enough ease to accommodate it in a knitted skirt – I feel exactly the same about my 42-y.o. one! I too, though, think I still have pretty hot legs…I just may have to cast on for the Lanesplitter now. Thanks for another fab episode!
Oh boo, I was hoping to catch you in New York but I’ll be away in early May! 🙁
Hi Brenda, I’ve always loved Cast On, love that you two repeatedly watch Northern Exposure. We do the same with Hamish Macbeth, being Scot/ Brit in NewZealand for 15years now. In fact it must be about time for another run through!
It’s not what you fling, it’s the flinging that counts! I love that. thanks for putting that up!
I have just listened to the podcast for the first time after reading a review in The Knitter magazine and I will definitely be listening every week! I found it so informative, thought provoking and funny all at the same time. I work full time and try to run a family which means mainly feeding and entertaining a husband and 7-year old girl. I often find myself thinking of work when I’m walking my daughter to school and it was nice to be reminded that everything else can wait and I will try to make it more about the two of us! Thank you, it was really inspiring!
OMG. I just found you podcast this weekend as I was perusing Stitcher for new and exciting things to listen to on my 8 hr drive home! I LOVE yours and kinda of can’t stop thinking about it – like, it’s haunting me…
Anyway -I totally saw The Lanespliter last week when I was pattern browsing and I loved it. So now that you’ve pointed me to the seamless version, I have to make it.
For the record, the other new podcast I found was about Chickens… chickens and knitting, sounds logical to me.
Thanks for great content…
Thank you for including the piano fling. I so much wanted to do this with my mother’s piano. But logistics failed me and thepoor old piano was never flung.
hi there–I actually came here via your sister’s blog (My Sweet Cherry Blossom). I haven’t been able to get the hang of knitting, even with people trying to teach me. I can crochet, so I guess there’s hope–somewhere down the line. >< Looking at things and pages like this make me want to try again. lol I really like your sister's blog, and hope she will get back to it some time. It's funny that I landed on this exact page–this scene from Northern Exposure was actually filmed about 3 minutes from my house. =p
Brenda, thanks for another great podcast. I totally love the two Steven’s too, but then again I’m a data geek. I have both books — Freakonomics and Super Freakonomics. You might want to check out their podcasts too. You can never get too much of them!
Thanks Brenda, that scene from NE had me in tears of laughter. I love NE – i think my favourite episode is the one about maggie’s exboyfriend who gets taken out by a space probe. Also a good one is Walt making mammoth steaks… anyway thanks for making my good friday morning!
As ever, it’s always a pleasure to listen to you. I’ve been listening now for about 3 years! I love the structure of the podcast, it’s nice to know what you will be covering off in the podcast upfront :).
I loved the longer podcasts but I can also appreciate how time consuming that must’ve been to organise and get out. At least with the shorter, I am still able to listen to you to accompany my knitting! Yay!!! 😀