And we’re back!
See my smiling face and count my sexy nose hairs on the BBC! This week’s Yarn Pr0n: La Lana Wools. Bust that stash! Here’s how: Join Wendy’s Knit from Stash-a-thon or, make a pledge at the Stash-a-Long. Already busted stash? Then buy more and join the Briar Rose Fibers KAL. My project is the Tilt Jacket, in Briar Rose Colette. Check out Knit Along and Swaps and never miss a KAL again! ADORE. DESIRE. COVET. Knitting-themed ceramics, by Alyssa Ettinger. Many thanks to Charles Voth, whose knitting journey begins in South America. Special thanks to our first Desert Island Knitter, Lucy Neatby. Enjoy hours of thrilling knitting action on her Knitter’s Companion DVD’s! Got CSS skills and want to share? Sarah needs you!
- Jonathon Coulton – Skullcrusher Mountain
- Birds of Wales – Life
- Kate Rusby – Game of All Fours
- Natives of the New Dawn – A Good Day
Additional Tracks: Shelly Neiburh – Andean Dreams
Thank goodness! I was suffering from withdrawls
Just yesterday, I thought I should forward you the Jonathon Coulton webpage so you could try out his music on your podcast. Great minds, and all that.
Welcome back!!
Oh boy! The NPR of the knitcast world is back on air. Thanks!
Getting an error when I try to download it from iTunes, it says the file is corrupted.
The file downloaded fine for me in iTunes. Don’t know what to tell you…
When dealing with iTunes, sometimes I find I need to unsubscribe, and then resub in order to get a file. I’m not sure why it works, but it often does.
If you try that and still find you can’t download, you can always direct download from the site (click that link that says, “Download Episode 44”, and save it to your hard drive) and then import into the iTunes library.
So glad you’re back…can’t wait to listen! And boy was it fun to see you on BBC!! Even here in chilly California! You’re an inspiration (you inspired me to start a clapoti!!! In Silk Garden!)
Yea! I can’t wait to plug in and listen.
Glad you are back & ready for action. Its still March 2006 in my Cast-On listening world as you are a ‘new find’ (& a new friend). My self & my Aunt are working at a rate of about three episodes a week through earlier podcasts. Your essay in ‘On Gauge’ was inspirational & has meaning way beyond the world of pointy sticks.Thank you!
Thanks for a great show, and THANK YOU for playing some Kate Rusby. She deserves all the exposure we can give her! I’ve been a fan since her first album.
Thank goodness you’re back and healthy?
I’ve missed you!
Welcome back! We missed you!
Yea, Brenda is well and all is right with the world……!!!!!
Glad your back, Brenda! Can’t wait to listen to the new podcast
Brenda so glad you are back! I’ve missed you terribly! Hope you are all better now. I’m running off to update my ipod right now!!
Welcome back, kid. We were a bit worried that you had been swallowed by your stash or Dolores kidnapped you for cosmos with Victorine.
Welcome Back Brenda! I was so happy to listen to you while knitting this evening. I guess everyone is trying to view the BBC video as it gave me an error. I’ll try again tomorrow.
Life has been hard indeed without your familiar voice. I am so very glad you’re back!
Brenda, hope you get your health back to 100% real soon. My hubby helped me download the BBC article and he was admiring your recording equipment. Was it a Behringer mixer? That’s his latest wish list item, so he’s green with envy. You now have a new non-knitting fan in Ohio. Ha!
Take care and be well.
Hooray! Welcome back.. now I have incentive to go figure out how to plug in a USB card so I can have my mouse AND my iPod plugged in at the same time for easy updating!
Can’t wait to hear your voice
I haven’t heard the podcast yet but I’m so looking forward to it. It’s good to see you’re back on your feet.
glad to have you back with us! I hope the health issue will be solved soon and that you’d be able to podcast regularly again.
Great episode as always!
You’re alive! Thanks for another fantastic show, and best wishes for all your new year’s plans.
Enjoyed the cast, enjoyed the BBC video, too! But just between us, I much prefer the sound quality of your cast.
The most fascinating thing about the video (other than your smiling *energetic* face, of course) was the glimpse of your “studio”. It was both more and less than I expected: more professional looking, more equipment, less cluttered, less fussy!
Welcome home.
How did you experience the NHs then? ( don’t answer that one) I know it must have been bad when you have not been able to knit and decided to have a look at your stash.
Welcome back, its great to hear you are mending stitch by stitch and the BBc video was great….well done!
It’s great to see you back, Brenda. hope you’re feeling much better.
YEAHHHHHH!!! So happy you are back – I can’t wait for the download to finish – I’m gonna start a new project just to celebrate tonight!
Welcome back, Brenda
I enjoyed the podcast very much. Take it easy!
Glad you’re back!
Welcome back to the earwaves.
Conveniently for me your return coincided with me having just caught up on the back issues (max three hours a day). I’m sure you will be so glad to hear that you being incapacitated suited me well.
In all seriousness I’m sorry to hear you’ve not been well and wish you all the best in getting back to full power.
I really enjoy the podcast, many thanks for your work for your knitsibs.
Glad you’re feeling better. I really missed you. I hope your health is back to 100% soon. Being sick really sucks.
I couldn’t get the BBC thing to work. It told me I needed to download RealPlayer, so I did, and then it said I didn’t have it, but in more complicated terminology than that. Meh? Is there any way to watch it in QuickTime?
(Riin – the BBC site wouldn’t play the video for me either, so I closed that window and looked up another link, and it worked. If at first you don’t succeed …)
Thank you, Brenda, for another wonderful podcast! So glad you’re feeling better, as well!
Welcome back, Brenda! that was a terrific episode. I love Lucy Neatby and have taken classes from her. She is witty but even better, an excellent teacher! Good music choices, as usual. Take care of your health and come back when you can!
Wearing a warm sweater and snuggling with my tissue box in Wisconsin….
SO glad you’re back, Brenda! We missed you terribly. And I LOVED seeing the BBC video and finally being able to see the face that belongs to that voice! I’m so glad to hear you intend to keep up the podcast through 2007. What a great year it will be.
Many good wishes for your good health to return.
It’s great to have you back, you were greatly missed.
wow, thanks for coming back Brenda. listening to you is like coming home. Your’s is the first podcast I ever listened to and you have spoiled me for others. Wishing you all the best for your good health.
Yay! So glad to have you back! Another lovely episode- thanks. Cheers. ^_^
Hurray! You’re back! I got so excited when I opened Thunderbird and found a new Cast On episode waiting.
Welcome back! Hope you feel better soon.
I knit Tilt last year. It called to me for months until I finally succumbed. I used Noro so it’s very stripy. I didn’t love it at first, but it grew on me. Now it’s one of my favorites to wear and I always get many compliments. The charts for the yoke pieces are a little odd and took some getting used to.
Loved your interview with Lucy Neatby.
I’m glad you are feeling better.
That Jonathan Coulton song is very fun, he reminds me a bit of Voltaire (
Wonderful to hear your voice again Brenda!
And what great music!
So glad to hear you are getting better.
Just for the record. I for one would rather hear from you less often if it means I will still get to hear from you.
Don’t get me wrong I check every morning to see if you have a new episode up. I make a big deal out of it. I save you for the afternoon. I make tea, use the good china, get my knitting and settle down for nice visit with you.
I have a non-knitting question. I was wondering how you met your partner?
I met my husband online. I answered his advert. He said he was a voracious reader. I thought WOW a man who reads. Then later when I found out he takes a book to the movies I was hooked. I thought I was the only person who did that. If you don’t knit what else is there to do during that time before the show starts.
So glad you are back and take care of yourself.
I was so happy to have a new episode to listen to on the bus this morning! I’m half way through, and so have the rest to keep me company on the way home. Thank you!
I’m sorry to hear you’re sick.
I hope the doctors get everything straightened out and the meds work well!
Thank goodness you’re back! I had a costume to sew this weekend for a medieval faire next weekend, and I never would have gotten so far on the hand topstiching if I hadn’t had you to mellow me through. A good day! A good weekend!
I “patiently” waited to listen to your podcast on Monday morning while at work. It was hard (let me tell you!)
So I am listening right now. Congrats on the BBC. I can’t watch it while at work unfortunately so I will have to patiently wait until I get home.
your illness sounds something like I had this past summer. I was almost catatonic. I had NO energy to walk from room to room. I am feeling “fine” right now (fingers crossed) and So I wish you a good recovery and empathize with you heartily!
Thanks for your email btw. It was most inspiring and gave me a nice PUSH for my podcast. Realising how busy you are (and now so famous ;>P) and took the time to respond was very nice. Thanks.
Well I am going back to your soothing voice and finish my work!
Good Health
Hi Brenda – I’ve just finished listen to this podcast and I’m so glad you’re back. Thanks so much for the Kate Rusby song – I love her music and it was a great surprise to hear it.
As I crawled, barely able to make one more move, I clicked on ITunes and THERE. YOU. WERE.!!!!
Welcome back – glad you are better!!! Now I can continue to do whatever I happen to be doing when you are podcasting!
Brenda –
As you mentioned in your podcast, I just got an iPod (birthday on the 11th) and have been catching up on all of your previous shows. Fabulous!! Just wanted to drop a note to say thanks for the great time and it was such a wonderful surprise to have the new episode waiting for me this weekend…Yay!
Also…yes, Skullcrusher Mountain did get stuck in my head all day, but it did make me smile.
Welcome back. I finally caught up with the final 10 episodes that had (to me) been previously unheard – just after Thanksgiving when I was stuck in an airport for 12 hours en route to comfort a dear childhood friend who had just lost her son. I was sitting in an airport bar, pint in hand, sock on the needles, when The Church of Knitting came on. There I was, next to some burly, drunken “frat boys” when I began to sob. You were there to comfort me, and to this day I will remember the heart that went into that particular project. I am so glad to be hearing you in “real time” and look forward to each episode much as I look forward to my favorite sweater.
Hi Brenda,
It is so good to see you back. I too tried to view you on the BBC but kept getting errors. Is there any other way to view you?
I finally got to listen to the latest show last night – great to hear your voice again. I really missed you! Sending you lots of good thoughts about your health. Thanks for doing your podcast, it’s always an enjoyable listen.
Can’t access your BBCA interview still
I really want to see it so that I can put your face to your voice. Any thoughts as to why the error?
I’m so glad to hear your voice again, and what a treat to see you on the BBC! The two second shot of you knitting was worth waiting six weeks, not to mention seeing you in your warm woolies. Visible proof that you are as great a knitter as your podcast makes clear. Also, I’m excited to know you’ll be going back to the wool mill in a later podcast!
For those of you with trouble viewing the BBC feed, try clicking on “preferences” in the upper right hand corner of the window and telling it which program you want to use. Don’t know why, but that seemed to kick it into gear.
I don’t think I can say it any better than the 50+ comments before me….. I am SO. GLAD. YOU’RE. BACK!!! Thank you Brenda for your voice. I’ve mentioned the greatness of your podcast on my blog recently and had a few recommendations for other podcasts to try. I’m sorry, everyone… they don’t measure up. Maybe they have a soothing voice but Brenda, you’re so much more. (making myself laugh here) It’s the content. It’s your delivery. It’s your music. It’s everything. I listen to your podcast when I’m walking aroun the track at the Y. I giggle and laugh and smile and cry and I don’t care what kind of freak the people on the treadmills think I must be… I emote anyway. Thanks for the happiness that listening to your podcast gives me. It’s truly a gift that I treasure.
I’m SO happy that you are feeling better. You can’t imagine my delight when I plugged in my iPod yesterday and saw your download. Great show, as always.
Oh, Brenda! I am so glad to see you are back! Hooray for health! Can’t wait to download the new episode and listen while I work. I’ll be praising your return to the blog-heavens!
Wow, what a treat! And well worth the wait – great show as usual; luffed luffed luffed the interview with Lucy Neatby.
Yay! Glad you are back Brenda! Welcome back, and thanks for podcasting again
Brenda: It was so good to hear your voice! Welcome back. Of course, I’ve been catching up on old episodes as well. The other day, what I thought would be a 20 minute trip turned out to be nearly an hour each way. Fortunately, I had not only your newest episode, but numbers 22 and 23 as well. Comments on podcasts old and new:
I, too, am a math-phobe. As a child, I had nightmares where numbers chased me. As a teen, I cried in my father’s math class. Now, having knitted myself through a nasty post-partum depression, the mists are clearing. Where I had always knit despite the math (if I just follow the pattern, I won’t have to calculate anything) to seeing the math spilling out before me. Thoughts such as, if I wanted to alter this pattern and make it for my son, I’d need to cast on a multiple of 9 to make the pattern work are popping into my head. What a long way I’ve come from the little 8 year old girl carrying around her needles and a skein of Aunt Lydia’s Rug yarn all summer!
If you haven’t yet, make or barter or buy yourself a Regency gown. Wafting is as lovely as it sounds. My wedding gown was an updated Regency style, flimy and light, just right for my August wedding. I love thinking of you wafting about Pemberly. Thanks, as always, for your reassuring voice on my earbuds and the fodder for creativity and rememberence that you give me.
It’s GREAT to hear your show again. I’m sorry that you were so unwell for so long.
Would it infuriate you to know that I’ve always pictured you with blond, curly hair? Would it salvage my dignity if I said that I’m glad you really don’t? Have I actually lost all sense of dignity by devoting most of this comment to hair?
Dear Brenda,
I, too, am a new listener. I started with Episode 0 on my new iPod, and each ‘cast is a delight. I’m up to Episode 19 now. I dread the day when I will have caught up, and can only have a “Cast-on” fix once a week (or so). Thank you for a wonderful First Series and a moving, lyrical Second Series. I look forward to my bus ride with delight. (Well, except for the stinky man in the seat behind me. But he’s not your fault.)
Brenda, I listened to your stash organization comments with great interest but how do I organize knitting books & magazines? Do people mark projects of interest before shelving them? I’ve been knitting slightly under a year but have an embarrassing amount of written material on knitting. Perhaps you and your listeners can help?
Thanks, Brenda, and thanks for the podcast. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I look forward to it every week. I’m so glad you’re feeling better.
Thanks for the podcast. So good to have you back! BBC clip is fab – wish I could have seen it on the telly
I’m glad to hear you are starting to feel better, look after yourself.
Thank you Brenda for playing that piece by Charles on your last Podcast (today is January 27). It reminded me so much about the 9 months I spent learning Spanish in Argentina. South America is a very special place to me, not only because my family is from Guyana but also because that is where I really became a fanatical knitter. I had learned to knit in July of 2004 but did not really gain a love a passion for the craft until 2 months later, when I was in Argentina, at a school learning spanish. The fact that knitting in Argentina is so intertwined into the mainstream culture (there was 3 places that sold yarn in the small town I lived in for 9 months!) made it all the easier for me to keep on knitting. Thankfully, my time in South America was a happy one and knitting was a very important part of that experience.
Hey Brenda,
Wow, thank gawd you’re back. I’ve exhausted all archived episodes two weeks ago and I Missed You. Great listening here as always (again!)
Glad that you’re back! And it is always worth the wait, I hope you know that we will stick by you even if you don’t podcast every single week. Take your time!
Great BBC-clip also, it was nice to see your face! (My broadband connection is probably not so good, because I didn’t see any nosehair)
Glad you are back! Rest and feel better! Downloaded the BBC broadcast great clip. We are getting ready for our 6th annual Fiber Retreat in Missouri drop by and take a look at our website, htp:// Melissa Leapmen is our keynote this year.. Kniit on.
Leslie Carroll
Admin Weavers List
Nice to have you back Brenda
Get all-the-way-better soon!
Quick question about the Shelly Neiburh song: I went to her website to find the song that you played in this episode. Do you know what album that is from, and where to get it? There is an “Andean Dreamtime” on one album, but that doesnt’t appear to be it. Thanks!
Rosemary, CraftBorg
Just made it to Episode 27! WooHoo! Oh, Yeah..and I listened to Episode 44 also. It was, as I’m coming to expect, fabulous! I ADORE Skullcrusher Mountain (I would love a half monkey/half pony)! One thing you didn’t mention was whether you and Tonya (hope that’s the right spelling, sorry if it isn’t) are planning anything special for your upcoming anniversary. Ground Hog day is right around the corner. Best wishes on your special day and take all the time you need to get well…I will patiently await your next episode…..Ok. Are you better yet?
Brenda! I’m so happy you’re feeling better! I missed you!
I just watched the BBC interview. It’s so interesting seeing someone for the first time.
Mostly I wanted to stop by and let you know how much I appreciate your podcast. I have 6 or 7 older episodes that I haven’t listed to yet and I almost don’t want to because once I do I won’t have any backup Cast-On’s to listen to when there isn’t a new one!
Thank you for all the hard work you do for us.
Welcome back! I’m glad you’re having more good days. =)
I heard someone mention that you’re interested in more info about vegan knitting. If you’d like to, you can contact me about this. See my link for a (WIP) vegan yarn page. Or also, you can see for some of the reasons some dietary vegans also knit vegan-ly.
Your “contact” link brings up an e-mail to be sent to: brenda AT cast-on DOT com and my OE tells me I cannot send to that address. What address do we use to e-mail you directly? Meanwhile, here’s the message I tried to send:
Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and Tania!
In case you want to find out if we’ll have 6 more weeks of winter, check on “”Phil” here:
Hope you and Tania have a wonderful day!
Anne from Ionia, NY, USA
Happy Aniversary!!!!!!
Hi brenda,
how are you???
I’ve just discovered the podcastalley and your knitting podcasts and listened to all your recordings. I’m liking them very much and i searched also for de bbc video and found it and enjoying it also. So great to “meet” the person behind the cast on.
I don’t know about you being ill??? hope you’ll be fine soon and also want to wish you a happy aniversary with tonya and i hope to see a new version off the cast on soon and will download that immediately as i soooo love it.
I’m dutch and sorry if my english isn’t that well, i’m trying to improve it and write along what’s in my head and what i want to write to you and hope you don’t mind.
I’ve also learned a lot off the hours off work you put in your podcasts. I think i’ve listened to all of them now. I listen to it when i’m knitting (mostly socks) and also when i do the ironing. I also bought a mp3 player because i’ve learned so much of it all.
A great thank you!!
kindest regards.
Hi Brenda,
I hope you continue to feel better and better!
I came across this brand new wiki today:
It’s part of the Craftster online community. Because it’s for all types of crafts, and because it seems new, it’s not yet clear what type of information will find its home there. It may or may not be the most appropriate place to compile everything there is to know about knitting. It’s seems more like a good spot for basic how-to-get-going-if-I-don’t-know-anything info. Something to keep an eye on, for sure.
Thanks for everything!
So, Brenda.
That Skullcrusher Mountain song.
It’s been stuck in my head ever since your last podcast! Ahhh!!!
Really, I don’t mind too much. It is very funny. I made all of my friends listen to it (my roommate thought it was scary, though). However, if I didn’t have it stuck in my head, I wouldn’t giggle about it in public places, like on the bus, or in class, or at work. But it’s ok. I don’t want you to feel responsible or anything.
I do hope you’re feeling better. Maybe I’ll ruin a pony just for you.
Brenda — really glad to hear you’re on the mend. It will be a treat to hear your podcasts whenever you are able to do them. Loved you on the BBC, by the way.
Hello Brenda,
Glad you are feeling better – just don’t do too much too soon! I have been listening to your earlier podcasts over the last few weeks and after hearing you talk about interweave knits decided to subscribe and order the back issue Winter 2005. This copy arrived at the weekend and it is marvellous – I just wish we have magazines like this in the UK. All I have to do now it learn how to translate American knitting patterns and try and decide which item to knit first! Thank you for the many hours of wonderful entertainment your podcasts provide, I really appreciate all the hard work which goes into the preparation and recording. Best wishes Dawn.
I’m so glad that you are back to podcasting, like everyone else I have missed your lovely voice, insightful commentary, and your wonderful sense of humour. And will take the pod casts whenever you feel up to them (but here’s hoping you are feeling like doing them more often…the withdrawl is painful!!) I did finally get the BBC interview to work for me…makes me want a video component as well…loved the footage of the woolen mill. Many well wishes sent your way for a continued recovery
I miss you so much. Every day I look for a new show. I totally understand the place you are at, I know how hard it can be.
You need to know that you matter, and have great worth in this world, no matter how you feel right now.
Please take care of yourself and update as you can.
Thank you for another great episode. Hope you are feeling better today, again.
Hi Brenda,
Hope you are doing well and had great anniversary with Tonya. Well, I’m now listening to your back episodes and I just want to say I enjoy listening to your shows especially while I’m commuting to work each day. It makes time go fast and more enjoyable as I listen to your soothing voice.
Please take care and I shall look forward in hearing from you soon…;-)
It was so great to listen to your last episode after your sick leave but now that it’s been a few weeks again I’m wondering how you’re feeling. Don’t do a full-blown podcast if you’re not up to it but maybe a quick note on the page to let us know how you’re doing would set our minds at ease.
Rest, rest, rest…
YAY! Jonathan Coulton!
Also, speaking of anatomically correct dolls, have you heard about the nude crochet dolls that had to have fig leaves crocheted onto them because people were complaining so much?
Check it:
What a treat to hear you mention Taos! I like to go to La Lana and drool over the delicious yarns.
Hey there!
Thanks so much for including us on your podcast!!!
– Mike (from Birds of Wales)
I went to La Lana Wools in Taos in August. Oh. boy.
Not only is the yarn, skeins and skeins of it, simply GORGEOUS, the lady working there (sorry, I don’t recall her name) was very helpful. Well, more like an enabler, if truth be told. She’s apparently very used to the dazed, overwhelmed look of knitters who’ve just made their first trip to the store. With great patience she helped me narrow down my yarn choice, calculated the yardage (after years of working for designers in NYC she’s really gifted with that), and then selected the yarn skein by skein. I’m now working on my first ever hand-spun, hand-dyed sweater from the sketch I made standing in the store. The yarn practically knits its self.
Fair warning, though, all this deliciousness comes at a price. I consider this an investment sweater, but worth every penny. Even if you just get a skein for a scarf, it’s worth the trip for yarn lovers. I recommend stopping in near by Chimayo, New Mexico, where there is a long tradition of making beautiful rugs and blankets. We bought one from a weaver’s house at a reasonable rate and got to watch her weaving as well.
Thanks Brenda!
Hi Brenda,
I found you podcast and I love it.
I am listening my way through all your old podcasts atm. and I love every single one, it makes knitting on the train even more of a joy.
However, I can’t download this particular episode.
Is it broken?